Friday, September 26, 2014

For Freedom

My next race is the Freedom's Run 10k on October 4, 2014. This is a race that covers some Civil War History and actually I was supposed to run this last year; however, due to the government shutdown some of the course that goes through the National Parks were also closed. I deferred to this year 2014. Naturally I want to run the original not an alternate route. So here goes my first 10k race and I'm running it for freedom, for life, and for my beautiful country America. May she always be free!
This is an excerpt from Runner's World magazine about the race course. "Freedom's Run is the right name for this remarkable race. After all, Harper's Ferry is the place where abolitionist John Brown led a slave rebellion in the fall of 1859 that agitated Americans in a way that nothing ever had before. Authorities crushed Brown's uprising after a brief standoff, but historians still credit him with igniting one of the first sparks of the Civil War."
Run free. The irony in that statement is astounding because I can run for free every day and whenever I want to, but I pay to run in races. Go figure! Sorry about the cliche, but freedom is not free, a sacrificial price comes with it.
With Love, the Pennyrunner