Friday, November 7, 2014

Nicole's Sole to Nicole's Soul

Blog I love double meanings, they are so much fun. I almost love them as much as I love to run. Yes, I run. Therefore I am a runner. I have now coined the term pennyrunner. ; ) I am the pennyrunner. I run for pennies and other coins, but there are many more reasons why. I can't fly, I wish I could, but only in my dreams. On some of those runs and you runners out there know what I mean. When I say those runs, it feels like flying. It is, hands down, the best feeling ever! That must be what they mean by runner's high. So run. Run to fly. Reach for the sky!

I even have to convince myself I am a runner because I have not always had such an affinity for it. It was too hard, too challenging to breathe, and too painful. However, now I can't imagine not pushing myself in this sport because whenever I do I am rewarded with those lucky treasures. And lately, I seem to attract them not only when I run, but in other random places as well.

So from the soles of my feet to baring and sharing my soul, I will run in order to make the world a better place in whatever form that takes. I will run to lift others up. Runners are some of the best people you could ever come across. I love runners! They like to make themselves suffer just as much as I do, so bring on the pain. Make pain your friend. Sounds a little psycho, doesn't it? Well then, you must not be a runner.

Since I like to make my blogs short and sweet so you have time to read them and I don't lose your interest, I will leave you with this final quote in a letter from St. Paul to the Corinthians, Ch. 9 V. 24-27. "You know that while all the runners in the stadium take part in the race, the award goes to one man. In that case, run so as to win! Athletes deny themselves all sorts of things. They do this to win a crown of leaves that withers, but we a crown that is imperishable. I do not run like a man who loses sight of the finish line. I do not fight as if I were shadowboxing. What I do is discipline my own body and master it, for fear that after having preached to others I myself might be rejected." St. Paul is awesome! Go fight, run, and win the race!

Love, the pennyrunner