Saturday, March 21, 2015

For my Grace & Michael

This blog is dedicated to my munchkin heads and the cute and funny things I remember them saying and doing. It's so important to document these memories before I completely forget them all. Here are a few from the earlier years.

To my first born, Grace: I will always remember when you were first starting school and you said all the boys are going to fall in love with you. LOL! I will always admire your confidence and remember you coming home and saying ah, got me in my nuts because you heard a boy at school say that. I would always have to explain to you, Grace you are a girl, you don't have nuts. Also how can I forget you saying, "Mama, you are my best friend".

To my last born, Michael: I will always remember after I put you in your big boy bed that you would never sleep a full night in it. Every night you stood at the side of my bed holding your blanket waiting for me to wake up and put you in the bed next to me. As a single mother, I was too tired to keep getting up and putting you back in your bed so, I gave in and let you crash out next to me. I'm so glad I did because there were so many precious moments when I awoke and caught you laughing a big belly laugh in your sleep and to this day I will always wonder what you were dreaming about.

Love you both very much! XOXO